Thursday, February 18, 2016

Check The Radar

Things going good? That's great news. We all run into sunny and smooth weather in our life.  There are always smooth patches in our life, when everything is going right. Now I am not going to throw a wet blanket on that time. I want to use Jesus's words to help keep your eyes upward and looking towards the future. We all have the issue of getting comfortable. When things get routine and the pressure drops, we look to get comfortable. That is not the message that Jesus had for us. During the smooth times in life, is when we need to prepare for the next storm that is guaranteed to blow into your life. Jesus gave us ample warnings about being prepared. Revelation 3:2 says "Be watchful and strengthen the things which remain;"  Here Jesus is saying be watchful, keep an eye out and strengthen the things which are left. I think we can all agree that we need to be watchful. The second portion is a very important part. Imagine the scene after a bad storm has blown through. This is the time to repair and reinforce the things that were damaged. You can not put storm shutters up during the storms. These smooth times are when we survey the damage and take steps to fix the issues. For example, your marriage. During these smooth times is when you can grow your intimacy. Spend time building that relationship. It is only going to be as strong during the storms of life as you make it during the sunny days of life.  That is just one example and there are plenty others. I see people getting comfortable as a sign of not being engaged in a purposeful ministry. Sure you come to church every Sunday. Sure you participate in worship. You have a study plan. You are reading a christian book. The question is; Are you ministering to someone? Are you investing in the lives of others? Are you telling somebody about Jesus Christ everyday? Are you taking all opportunities to witness to people? Are you comfortable where you are? If so that could be a bad sign.

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