Thursday, July 28, 2016

Yeah your faith is going to be tested.

It would be foolish for us to think that our faith would not be tested repeatedly. Think about the repercussions of a faith that is not tested. It would not grow. It would not flourish and blossom into something that is worth of the Lord. Look to the life of Peter. The Apostle Peter had his faith tested multiple times. He succeeded in walking on water. He owns the record of water walking by a human. He only sank into the water after he questioned his faith. Of course Jesus was there to save him but up until that point Peter had walked on water. So that takes us to today’s scriptures I want us to look at.  Luke 22:31-34, Luke 22:54-62 and John 21:15-17

         Here we find the Apostles and Jesus reclining at the Last Supper. Jesus lets Peter know that Satan wants to test him. Well of course Peter says he ready to follow Him anywhere no matter the cost. Well Peter had the faith to say that but was his faith strong enough to actually follow through on it? Jesus looked right at Him and told Peter that before sunrise that he would even deny knowing Jesus. I am sure Peter was doubtful because he was so comfortable in his faith. Now one of the things that has always amazed me about this scripture is the phrase in in Luke: 22:32 where Jesus gives a bit of two sides of the coin to Peter.

“But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

         Jesus breaks Peter down here. Jesus speaks to Peter and tells him without a doubt that he is going to stumble in his faith. He is not going to fail because Jesus has prayed for him but he is going to stumble. Then Jesus builds him up by telling Peter that when he returns to his faith to strengthen his brothers. Jesus knows that Peter is going to deny Him. Jesus knows the pain and agonizing that Peter is going to go through by denying Him. Jesus, as only Jesus could do, gives it to Peter straight that he would stumble but would return and be able to further strengthen the brothers. Now if we look ahead, we know Peter does indeed stumble and deny Jesus. He is terribly upset with himself and had to be frustrated too. Here he is having denied Jesus and now Jesus has been crucified and is dead and Peter is left with no way to be restored. It is here that we come to one of my favorite stories of Peter.
         The disciples were out fishing after Jesus resurrection and a man walking along the shore tells them where they can find fish. They cast their net and do indeed find fish. Peter then recognizes that this man is Jesus Christ. Peter demonstrates that he has learned a lesson. Instead of making his way back to shore on the boat, Peter goes overboard into the sea and is swimming back to shore. Why? He so wanted the Lord, so wanted to be forgiven that he just jumped. So Jesus restores Peter by asking Peter three questions.
1.   Simon Peter son of John do you love Me more than these? Yes, Lord.  “Feed my Lambs”
2.   Simon Peter do you love me? Yes. “Then Shepard My sheep.”
3.   “Simon Peter, son of John, do you love Me?’ Yes, Lord, You know everything!” You know I love You. “Feed My sheep.”

This is what the Lord Jesus wants to do in your life. Restore you, refresh you and love you. Jesus knew Peter would stumble. Jesus knew he would suffer emotionally. Jesus knew He would die and rise again. Jesus knew that He would restore Peter. He also knew how Peter would die. He also knew that Peter would affect the Gospel being shared to this day and until the day of the return of Christ.

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