"You know God will not give you more than you
can handle." This is a piece of advice that I have heard over and over. I
was in the car and heard it during a song and it got me to thinking. I began to
wonder if it was true or whether it was just an overused phrase inside the feel
goodish religion of the day. So as my mind turned this subject over and over I
came to a couple conclusions.
First thing to ask is that a true statement. Will
God only give you what you can handle? Or, will He give you more than you can
handle? I find this to be a false statement. I came to this conclusion based on
my personal past and upon observations I have made of other people’s lives.
There are things in this world that happen to us that we just are not capable
of handling. I am not just talking about death, cancer, divorce, sickness or
that type. I am looking at the day to day things of our lives. The financial,
work, personal and all of those things. God does not call us to be a
comfortable Christian. He gives us these things as ways to move us out of our
comfort zone. We move out of these comfortable spots based solely on faith.
Well, here we are at that sticking point. Having faith. Believing that God is
going to be there to help and fulfill His end of the bargain. Its where the
rubber meets the road. Sure the preacher on Sunday does a great job, the music
is great, my spot is always available, we give to missions but when God speaks
and says believe, what then? Do we go outside of the comfort zone? Do we talk
to those around us that are lost? Look at this list and see if any apply.
1. Are you
attending church without an expectation of God "showing up and showing
2 You are
no longer concerned with the spiritual condition of your family, friends,
neighbors or those people in your life.
3 When's
the last time you have talked to a lost person about Jesus?
4 Does your
Bible have a coat of dust on it? When is the last time you dug deeper into a
5 Your
happiness on Sunday morning is more important than the amount of work it takes
to reach the unchurched.
6 The poor,
homeless and needy just doesn't concern you.
7 The
foreign mission field is in another country, not your own backyard.
8 It’s hard
to let go of that tithe check each week. Are you tithing sacrificially?
9 Your
prayer life is very still and stale.
You don't even recognize the fact that God wants to
do great things through you and in your life.
Secondly, if we going to be given more than we can
handle, how do we handle it? The Christian must come to realize that Jesus Christ
lives in us!! The same man who walked on water, healed the sick, loved the
poor, took an enormous beating, suffered a crucifixion, died, rose and defeated
death, ascended to Heaven and is coming again, lives within you. That’s awesome.
That’s powerful. That is life changing and should change our perspective on how
we live this life! Then just to top it off God sent the Holy Spirit to help
guide us and help us deal with these things.
So there is the
answer. God does give us more than we can handle. He does it to move us out of
our comfort zones. He does it to test our faith. He does it so that we will
rely on Jesus Christ who lives in us. He does it so we will learn to listen to
the Holy Spirit and rely on Him.